Editorial Policy

FLA is an open-access platform for non-commercial use and gives due credit to each document with the author, date of publication and source of the document. For documents in the public domain, these are the minimum credits we provide. For documents in which copyright of the author/publisher is still subsisting, we take due permissions before uploading them. Some of the content on FLA has also been linked to external sites. If those links are broken or not functional, please bring these to our notice by emailing us at the address given at the bottom of the page.


Contribution Policy

A repository of the movements’ conversations, debates and activism necessarily depends on collective participation of all those who have participated in it or have memory or collections of this engagement. The FLA seeks contributions from fellow travelers for it to evolve and grow into a meaningful resource.


In this spirit, the FLA acknowledges not only the author and date of all the documents archived, but also lists the names of all those whose generous contributions, big or small, made this repository possible. The list of contributors on the FLA page, is an expression of gratitude and of affirmation of the collective nature of this effort; it will continue to be updated.


As a contributor, we request a minimum diligence from you, in terms of mentioning the author of the document, the period of its publication, and the source where you procured it from (wherever possible). To share with us, please email us at the address given at the bottom of the page! Mindful that the FLA’s scope is limited to engagements with the law, we will exercise editorial discretion in uploading materials that fall within this scope.


Usage Policy

The material and documents on FLA is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial India 2.5 license. This means that users are welcome to use the documents on FLA for non-commercial purposes and share them after giving due credit to the authors/organizations etc.


Get in touch!

If you:

1) Have ideas and materials to share; or

2) Want to bring (inadvertent!) copyright violations to our notice; or

3) Want to bring our attention to broken links to external websites; or

4) Have any other information or feedback to share,


Please do write to us at resources@pldindia.org, and we look forward to your feedback and contributions!


In solidarity

PLD Team